A Guide To Choosing The Right Backup Generator For Your Home | Dillon, SC
Photo By filadendron at istock
The typical American household loses power approximately once or twice annually, with the outages often averaging about three hours. However, the US Energy Information Administration claims that blackouts due to inclement weather may last for days or weeks.
During power outages, many things can go wrong since most household appliances require electricity to operate. The food in your refrigerator may start going wrong, and your home’s plumbing pipes may begin freezing if the outage happens during the cold season. The latter could give rise to more serious plumbing issues such as pipe bursts.
Luckily, a backup generator can help avoid all these inconveniences, but knowing how to choose the right one based on your budget and household energy needs may be an uphill task. With that in mind, read on to learn about some of the considerations you should make before investing in a standby generator for your home.
Solar Energy Versus Backup Generator
Many homeowners often have plans to secure their houses and guarantee access to electricity even during adverse weather conditions. To this end, you may opt for a solar energy installation with battery storage or a standby generator.
Both alternatives can be reliable sources of power and feature automatic transfer switches that allow households to draw electric energy directly from the start rather than from the energy grid. However, before investing in either one, you should consult with a professional to ascertain if your Dillon, SC, home requires a backup generator or a solar energy panel.
Solar power may have several advantages over standby generators along with some disadvantages too. For starters, the solar energy produced by your home’s solar panels belongs solely to your household, and some energy utility service providers may offer to purchase extra power.
Besides that, solar batteries store energy produced throughout the day. Although solar energy regulations may vary between installation service providers, solar energy largely remains a one-time expense after the initial installation.
On the other hand, solar panels can’t create energy without sufficient exposure to sunlight, making them a less than ideal option for residential property owners with urgent household or medical needs that rely on the availability of electricity. On the same note, backup generators are an ongoing expense even after installation since they often rely on fuel for operation.
Power Source
Before purchasing your home’s generator, you should consider the fuel type of the equipment you want to buy since each fuel has different storage and delivery requirements. Natural gas is the most common fuel used by homeowners in Dillon, SC, and beyond since it lacks strict storage regulations. It’s a natural fuel resource, exempting residential property owners from the hassle of constantly refueling the generator.
Suppose you’re looking to buy a generator. In that case, you can ask your local electrical service expert to help you find a gasoline-powered model that can satisfy all your household’s energy needs.
Gasoline-powered generators are a popular option among US homeowners since gasoline is widely available nationwide. However, gasoline’s highly combustible and can create a fire hazard if the generator starts experiencing leakage issues. Past that, you can also consider going for a diesel-powered generator.
Diesel’s readily available at most gas stations and can be stored for more than one year. You can buy a propane-powered generator if none of the options appeal to you since propane is known for its long shelf life. However, this may not be a worthwhile investment if your home relies on a more significant generator.
As a rule of thumb, when shopping for a generator, always choose a fuel type that guarantees the safety of your loved ones and fits your budget.
Your Household’s Energy Needs
Generators are typically built to produce a predetermined amount of power, which is why you should consider your household’s energy needs during power blackouts before investing in one.
If your home is relatively large, your energy needs may be higher, prompting you to go for a standby generator with a higher output to ensure that operations don’t grind to a halt during an outage. Before visiting your local generator service provider, request a professional electrician to help you determine your household’s energy needs.
As previously discussed, some types of backup generators can be dangerous. The primary safety concerns of standby generators include electrocution hazards, carbon monoxide emissions and exposure, and home fires and explosions. To avoid these scenarios from playing out generator service professionals often advise homeowners to constantly wipe off any spillage that may happen during refueling.
They also recommend constantly refilling the generator’s fuel tank whenever the supply is depleted as well as keeping inflammable fuels away from burning appliances such as furnaces.
Similarly, homeowners are advised to have their backup generators installed in well-ventilated spaces to prevent exposure to carbon monoxide, a dangerous by-product of fuel combustion. It should also be placed in a dry area and shielded from rain to avoid electrocution.
Besides that, never attempt to connect your generator to your home’s electrical wiring. Instead, seek professional assistance from a generator installation service provider near you.
Maintenance Service Needs
Without regular servicing and maintenance, your standby generator may experience operational inefficiencies and unexpected breakdowns that can make it fail to live up to its expected lifespan.
Unfortunately, it’s quite easy for any homeowner to forget about their backup generator since it’s often relied upon when there’s a power outage, which can rarely happen daily. With that in mind, you should consider having a regular maintenance plan with your local generator service expert. You can also develop a routine maintenance plan during the installation of your home’s backup generator.
A Reliable Standby Generator Installation Company Near Dillon, SC
Each backup generator model has its set of pros and cons. Although the power backup equipment you choose to install on your property may entirely depend on your household and budget needs, making the right choice is often a daunting task. Luckily, you can rely on the generator installation experts at Mister Sparky Generators for assistance in making the right decision.
We can help you understand the pros and cons of each model, tailoring each response based on your individual needs and concerns. Our technicians can also install your generator after you’ve made the purchase and provide maintenance services to ensure it remains operationally efficient all year round.