What You Need to Know About Generator Repair And Your Home | Florence, SC
Photo By skynesher at istock
When it comes to installing a generator you might be wondering just how you should do it. Maybe you’re thinking about the benefits of installing a whole house generator or maybe you’re thinking about just picking up a smaller, portable one to have on hand. Well, there are benefits and drawbacks to each and generator repair might be one of the concerns that you have. If you’re even thinking about these options for your Florence, SC home, you should take a look at the information below.
Getting Started
When you have a small or portable generator and the power goes out the first thing you need to do is get it out and get it started. You need to hook it up to the things in your home that are most important (which might be a sump pump if you have one, furnace, etc.). You then need to make sure that it’s on and running and that it’s not going to run out of fuel. On the other hand, a standby or whole-house generator is going to kick on after a set amount of time without power in your home.
Whole-house generators are already hooked up by a generator repair company to everything that they need to run in your home and they start working immediately. You’re going to have a system that keeps everything moving smoothly and you’ll barely even notice that you’ve lost power, which can be a whole lot more convenient for you. Generally, it takes only a minute or less for these types of generators to register that the power is out and that it’s not coming back on. If your power flickers because of a problem with the electrical that won’t trigger your generator.
Keeping It Fueled
We already mentioned that a small or portable generator is going to need fuel. That means you need to have fuel on hand at any given time so you can run it. If you lose power and you don’t have fuel available you’re going to be running to the gas station (along with everyone else who has a portable generator). You’ll need to keep adding more fuel to it as you continue to use the generator as well, which is definitely going to be a hassle and means you could be up all night doing this.
On the other hand, if you have a standby generator it’s going to be connected directly into the gas line of your home by your generator repair person or installer. Now, you need to have a gas line so if everything in your home is run electric this isn’t going to work. But you don’t have to worry about refueling anything or having extra fuel on hand. Your generator will take care of everything for you and the gas line that it’s connected to is not going to run out of supply. That means you’re going to have power for as long as you need it.
When it comes to the safety aspect you definitely want to be careful with portable generators. These are going to have to be located close to the items that they’re powering or at least as close as you can reach with extension cords. Having those cords running throughout your house is a safety hazard. Having that power connected into a fuel burning tank can also be dangerous. And you’ll likely want to leave it on the entire time you’re out of power which is even more dangerous when it gets late and you want to get some sleep.
With a standby generator you don’t have to worry about the safety aspect. These generators are completely safe as long as you hire the right team of generator repair people to come in and install them. They’re connected directly into your house and hard-wired into your appliances and other electrical needs. They take care of everything that needs to be done and they’re not going to have the danger of tipping over or anyone tripping over the cords and wires. They don’t have any cords to connect them into the house. It’s all done behind the scenes by those generator repair people, where you’re not even going to notice.
Overall Costs
Of course, we have to talk about pricing. Portable generators are available in all different sizes and that means all different price ranges. You can choose a generator that fits your needs, such as the least amount of power that you absolutely need for your home. Then you can choose something for your budget. These are going to be more budget friendly and definitely better for those who just want to run the least possible stuff at any given time. You’re also going to have the added cost of the fuel that you need to buy to keep these generators running.
With a standby generator you’re going to pay quite a bit up front. You’ll need to have a generator repair person come out to check things over before it’s installed, to install it and to check it over periodically. Whether you think you need generator repair or not you want a professional to evaluate the system to make sure nothing is broken or going bad. This is especially true if you don’t use the system regularly. You’ll also be paying for gas for as long as the generator is running and you won’t even know how much it’s used until you get to the end of the month and get a bill.
If you’re looking at getting a generator for your house but you’re not sure what to get make sure you call us at Mister Sparky Generators of Florence, SC. Our team of generator repair people can get to you whenever you need us. More than that, we can answer any of the questions that you might have to make sure you’re getting the right generator repair and you’re getting the right installation as well. After all, you want your home to be as comfortable as possible and that’s exactly what we want for you as well.