Generator Installation Company: Do Home Backup Generators Talk To Homeowners? | Dillon, SC
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A big advantage of today’s automatic home backup generators is the features beyond power generation that they offer. There was an episode of a popular sitcom not long ago where the bachelor brother actually believed his washer would text him when the cycle was done, and we all laughed. Now, of course, that’s a reality for many washer and dryer models. How are generators doing in getting “smart” and communicating with their owners? It turns out, they’re keeping up with technology and even moving ahead. At Mister Sparky Generators, your generator installation company and supplier, the equipment we can install for customers in the Dillon, SC area will have you checking your smartphone and saying, “oh, that’s my generator keeping me updated.” You’re not even kidding!
Letting You Know What’s Going On with Your Generator
An important feature available with permanently installed generators, especially the larger models supplying whole-home power automatically, is the ability to monitor their status and make sure they’re operating correctly. Since storms are often a factor in power loss, it may be undesirable to go outside to check on the system, especially for those who are mobility limited, and our generator installation company can help you select the right remote access options for your needs. System monitoring connects with wired or wireless networking and from your home to the internet, allowing you to use your smartphone to check on your home’s power as well as monitoring panels available for mounting on your wall. Depending on the manufacturer, you can get information about any issues that may be arising with the generator and conveniently schedule a service visit. You can also get reminders of required maintenance and put that on your calendar and ours as well. Our generator company will prepare the connections for these units to include proper network connections as well as the usual automatic start and transfer switch connections.
Checking Status Even From Far Away
Remote monitoring can be a big help in letting you know about generator operation due to power failure, even if you’re out for the evening or arriving at the airport. If someone is watching your children or you have visitors staying in your home, you’ll still be on top of the situation and can call and reassure them that backup power has them covered. You’ll also know that your generator is providing power for your driveway gates, sump pumps, and other critical parts of your home’s operation. Our generator installation company can help you learn about the features your specific system offers, so you’ll get the most out of it.
Handling Generator Issues and Scheduling Service Calls
Our generator installation company is ready to respond if your system has problems, and your notification feature can help you identify issues right away and contact us for help. In emergencies, you can get someone on site to take care of problems such as a failure to start due to battery trouble, and if your system identifies operational problems that require later servicing before they become worse, you can schedule a service call at your convenience on the spot. When you also use the maintenance reminders to have our generator installation company visit for checkups and oil and filter changes, you’ll reduce your chances of repair visits as well.
Managing Power Loads for Smaller Generators
One of the challenges our generator installation company has handled in the past is the allocation of a partial load for homes using lower capacity generators. Special wiring can connect just key appliances and lighting to the backup power supply, allowing it to start and supply power to a reduced load automatically. Now, some manufacturers have designed other ways to easily distribute key load items such as appliances, so they are disconnected when necessary to balance the power, such as cutting off washing machine and dryer power when electric heaters need to run. Our generator installation company can help you select a load management method if you choose a backup generator that provides a more limited amount of power to your home.
Running Regular Generator Tests Automatically
It’s important to have our generator installation company team periodically run your generator to test it and ensure that it’s ready to respond when you need it. Some newer models are now including features that provide for automatic self-testing of the control unit and the generator itself, for example running the unit automatically for ten minutes every week. It may still be to your advantage to less frequent testing by our personnel with longer run times as well.
Remote Generator Use
Increased automation and monitoring capabilities have made the generators we offer perfect for remote locations such as vacation homes, pump houses, radio transmitter locations, and recreation areas. There’s no need to drive out into the woods just to make sure the power is on and everything’s ok, you’ll be fully informed.
Generators for Seniors and Disabled
If you have people under your care in the Dillon, SC area who need a backup generator such as seniors and people who are disabled, our generator service company can connect you with the notification systems from their generator so you can be sure their power needs are met during storms and other outages.
Our Generator Installation Company Has More Ways to Keep You Connected with Power
Mister Sparky Generators of Dillon, SC, is ready to connect you with 20kW and above units for whole-house power, and lower capacity units for limited power and smaller homes. We can help you review the increasingly helpful add-on features such as automatic load management, set-testing, and active communication over the internet, and select those which are useful for you. When you decide on the right configuration and order installation, our expert team will plan, deliver, and install the backup generator system and show you how to enjoy power coverage through storms and outages. Give us a call to find out more about our backup power products and services.