What Makes Our Backup Generator Installation Company Unique? | Dillon, SC
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An essential part of our business model at Mister Sparky Generators is offering our Dillon, SC area customers products and services that go beyond basic backup generator installation. Especially for first-time customers, people don’t know how their generator can make their lives so much easier and more comfortable, and what kinds of details can make a difference when the lights on the street go dark. For instance, would you like to make sure your computers don’t crash during the power switchover? Would it be nicer to have the steady hum of the backup generator placed out of your hearing range?
Do you want to refill the fuel periodically, or would a steady feed of natural gas be a better idea? When customers come to us, our unique service is our way of making sure the job is done right for our valued customers, in a way that they can rely on. Even if you know nothing about electricity and power systems, we can guide you to the right solution for your home or business, answering your questions and delivering on our promises.
We Serve Home, Business, and Recreational Customers
Each of these types of customer has different needs and expectations, and our team is trained to provide what they need. Home backup generator customers want a smooth switchover and quiet, low-vibration service so they can sleep and relax. Business owners may need special types of power for their equipment, including 240V and 3-phase wiring. Recreational customers need equipment that’s ready when their activities are scheduled, so teams don’t play in the dark, bands can play loud, and campers have power.
We Don’t Just Connect Backup Power, We Integrate It
Our electricians don’t just install a transfer switch and deliver power to your building, they integrate the backup power from the generator we install so that it serves your home or business the way you need it. That can involve simply providing an alternative power source that takes over from commercial power when it fails, but for many people a true solution has many other components. Homeowners may choose to have separate wiring for critical power needs to keep their need for generator capacity limited to what they can afford, powering refrigerators and lights but not washers and dryers.
Business owners may need a UPS power system that provides ultra-fast power replacement for sensitive equipment such as computers and laboratory instruments, bridging the brief gap as the generator starts and takes over. Locations with alternative power sources such as solar may need additional wiring to provide the proper integration of backup power sources for their needs. And as we noted above, we can also meet special needs for industrial equipment that involves power configurations and voltages beyond the typical 120V outlets and lighting. Our goal is to not just keep the lights on while commercial power is out, but to keep your power needs met whether you’re a busy family or a business with global customers.
We Know How to Keep Backup Generators Reliable Inland, and Right on the Coast
Serving Dillon, SC and the Myrtle Beach area, we’re used to making sure that our equipment is not only ready for stormy weather, but protected against special area hazards like extra-strong winds and salt spray. We’re ready to provide power to customers when the weather itself is the cause of the commercial power failure, and help them ride out the storms until the sun is shining and the lines and transformers are repaired.
Our Strong Customer Service Skills
If you have questions you didn’t ask when we were installing your system, you’ll find out customer service folks are readily available to answer them right away, the next day, or any time after that. Our business is full-service, making sure that your backup generator serves you well for years to come. That’s important because our team has to be knowledgeable and available when customers need us, including when power failures are bringing everyone’s backup power on line.
Our Workmanship Is Top-Notch, Whether Installing, Maintaining, or Performing Repairs
You get our best people no matter what your needs are, from a new system to repairs and maintenance. We make sure that everything we do is done with well-trained skill, and our people watch for issues anytime, in addition to coming out for full-service backup generator inspections. Our fully qualified electricians and other technicians ensure that your system is carefully installed according to electrical code, including in-house wiring, transfer switch connections, and other electrical services, fuel connections, generator mounting and protective coverings. We know that when our work is tested by power outages, it is critical that it works correctly and performs safely to get you through challenging times.
We Carry and Service Several Major Brands
We can help you choose from GE, Generac, and Briggs and Stratton, and other backup generator systems so you get exactly what you need and in your budget. Each line has different strengths, including engine types, fuel sources, power generation capacity and varieties of power generated, and remote monitoring and control systems. From home systems to large industrial ones, we can source the equipment our customers need and provide the installation and service that they need to keep their generators ready at all times.
We’re an In-Demand and Expert Provider of Backup Generator and Electrical Services, Available Today
It can be frustrating, we know, to have to choose between the best provider and the one that’s available now. We’ve been in this business for some time, serving Dillon, SC and many surrounding counties. In addition to our electrical and backup generator expertise, we know how to manage our operation so we can make commitments and meet them. That includes getting someone to take care of you today. At Mister Sparky Generators, we’re glad to do our best for you without making you wait, so give us a call and let us know how we can help.